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Yana Lichikna Ученик (131), на голосовании 7 лет назад
look for a zebra crossing or a traffic lights crossing
Dont cross between parket cars
stop before you walk onto the road
stand on the pavement near the kerd
listen and look both ways for traffic
make sure its clear and walk straight across the road
dont run
When you ride your bike
make sure your bike is in good working condition
check your brakes and tyres regularly
wear a bicycle helmet
ride with the flow of traffic not against it
use bike lanes
wear bringht clothes in daytime
never carry a second person on your bike
when you travel on a bus
stand well back until the bus has stopped completely
dont push others when you enter the bus
sit down in your seat quietly and quickly
it there arent free seats use handgrips
dont talk to the driver or annoy others others on the bus
dont lean out of the window
dont wave from the window
when you travel in a car
always sit in the back srat if you ase under
twelve yearsold
wear a seat belt
dont block the rear view mirror
dont play with the car door handles
always use the door on the pavement
side to get out of the car
Голосование за лучший ответ
Илья Пучков Профи (920) 7 лет назад
Подучи произношения и слова, тебе удачи!
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salavata Просветленный (25681) 7 лет назад
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