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Change from active into passive. Английский язык 7 класс

Тегмине мхеян Ученик (161), на голосовании 7 лет назад
1. They built the bridge in 1996.
2. People buy a lot of sweets every day.
3.Astronomers discovered two new planets.
4.The two teams will play the game on Sunday.
5.Tourists spend a lot of money in London.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Vasendin Elena Мыслитель (6328) 7 лет назад
1. The bridge was built by them in 1996.
2. A lot of sweets are bought by people every day.
3. Two new planets were discovered by astronomers.
4. The game will be played by two teams on Sunday.
5. A lot of money is spent by tourists in London.
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