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алина динова Ученик (203), закрыт 7 лет назад
A new type of public transport has been appearing in British cities over the last few years - 3-wheeled enveronmentally-friendly rickshaws from Asia. They run on natural gas and are called tuk-tuks because of the sound their engine makes. Each, colourful tuk-tuk has its own individual design on it, such as a Union Jack (flag of the United Kingdom), and even has a hood and curtains to keep out the rain and cold. These mini taxis can go at speeds of up to 56 km per hour, and are a huge hit with both tourists and locals.

If you go to Paris, don't be surpraised if you see a lot of people riding grey bikes with metal baskets on the front up the Camps Elysees! Since summer 2007 there have been thousands of bikes available to rent on the streets of Paris. The idea is simple - you buy a cheap pass for a day or a week, pick up a bike from one of 750 'docking stations', ride it to your destination and then put it back at another docking station. Now traffic is down, noise is down, parking is much easier and everyone from tourists to businessmen in suits get around the city on two wheels!

The authorities in Jakarta, Indonesia, have come up with the clever idea of making use of the city's network of rivers and canals for a new form of public transport - river taxis! As there are also markets along some of the rivers, you can hop off and do a little shopping on the way! The authorities hope this service will ease Jakarta's terrible traffic problem as there are about 5 million vehicles on the city's streets, growing about 10% yearly.
Лучший ответ
Racsha Просветленный (20223) 7 лет назад
A new type of public transport in Britan - 3-wheeled enveronmentally-friendly rickshaws from Asia. They run on natural gas and are called tuk-tuks because of the sound their engine makes. Each, colourful tuk-tuk has its own individual design on it, and even has a hood and curtains to keep out the rain and cold.
Everyone from tourists to businessmen in suits get around Paris on two wheels! Since summer 2007 there have been thousands of bikes available to rent on the streets of Paris. 750 'docking stations', where you can pick up the bike and ride it to your destination and then put it back at another docking station.
Another idea of public transport from Jacarta, Indonesia, - river taxis! There are also markets along some of the rivers, you can do a little shopping on the way! The idea is to ease Jakarta's terrible traffic problem on the city's streets, which is growing about 10% yearly.
алина динова Ученик (203) 7 лет назад
Остальные ответы
Алёна Гудзовская Ученик (153) 7 лет назад
Просто же. Сюда пиши, тут сделают, я всегда обращаюсь: vkcom/reshimdzru
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