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Помогите с заданием на листочке по английскому

Сева Ученик (194), на голосовании 7 лет назад
2) He sometimes lies in bed for 10–15 minutes after that.
3) He often goes to bed at about 11.00 p.m. (at about 11 p.m.)
4) So he is usually very tired in the evening.
5) That’s why he falls asleep very quickly.
6) He has breakfast at about 7.40 a.m.
7) He leaves home soon after breakfast.
8) He comes to school at about 8.20 a.m.
9) He really enjoys his time at school.
Дополнен 7 лет назад
Задание: Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple
Голосование за лучший ответ
Математика Информатика Профи (653) 7 лет назад
2) He lied in bed for 10–15 minutes after that yesterday.
3) He often went to bed at about 11.00 p.m. (at about 11 p.m.) before.
4) So he was usually very tired in the evening yesterday.
5) Therefore he very quickly fell asleep.
6) He had breakfast at about 7.40 a.m.
7) He left the house shortly after breakfast.
8) He came to school around 8:20 in the morning.
9) He really loved his time at school.
СеваУченик (194) 7 лет назад
Спасибо !
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