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Алексей Мигонько Ученик (133), закрыт 6 лет назад
The (0) probability of your being killed or injured at work determines how much life (1) ...(insure) you have tp pay. An (2) ...(electric),for example, has a fairly high life (3) ...(expect)- they are only at risk from the odd (4)....(fault) cable-and are therefore in a low risk (5)....(classify). Higher premiums are paid by people who have more (6)....(danger) jobs such as (7) ...(construct) workers. There were sixty-five deaths on building sites last year alone. (8) ...(Fortunately) most accidents and deaths are caused by a (9) ...(tend) to ignore (10) ...(safe) regulations,when simple precautions and good sense can prevent fatalities.
Лучший ответ
Mark Shor Просветленный (48842) 6 лет назад
insurance, electrician, expectancy, faulty, classification, dangerous, construction, unfortunately, tending, safety
Алексей МигонькоУченик (133) 6 лет назад
Спасибо большое.
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