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Помогите с английским, расставьте True и False.

Дмитрий Коротков Знаток (321), закрыт 3 года назад

When I was seven, I went to school. I did well at school. I was especially good at Maths and Geometry, but I also coped with the rest of the subjects. At school I got into the habit of reading a lot. At first I read everything I got hold of. But the older 1 grew, the more definite my tastes in books became. I took to reading technical books and books about computers and everything connected with them, such as mathematics, physics, programming and so on.

In my last year of schooling I often wondered what I would do in the future, what sphere of life I should choose. After a number of heated discussions with my parents and friends I decided to be a computer programmer. So I entered a college of information technology.

After computer engineers and system analysts design software programs, computer programmers write them. Programmers also work on updating, modifying, expanding and repairing existing programs. Programmers often work closely with computer engineers.

Graduating from college is a major milestone. Some students see college as a major goal, when in reality it is simply a step to other future life achievements. Job prospects are excellent for well-educated programmers with relevant experience and a passion for their work. Employers prefer to hire specialists who are familiar with the latest technology. Marketing, sales, technical resources, logistical and technical support are all possible career options for programmers. I think I shall make a good programmer.

Расставить True и False.

1. At school Alexander coped with all the subjects.

2. He reads everything he gets hold of.

3. Alexander has been interested in programming since his childhood.

4. His parents made him enter a college of information technology because both work in the field of IT.

5. A computer programmer designs software programs.

6. A programmer also installs and repairs computer equipment.

7. Graduating from college is a step to other future life achievements.

8. Job opportunities for any programmer are excellent.

9. A programmer can work either at home or in an office.

10. Alexander is sure he will become a good specialist.
Лучший ответ
Вера Криулькина Просветленный (24348) 7 лет назад
1.True 2.False 3.True 4.False 5.False 6.False 7.True 8.False 9.Not stated(об этом не говорится в тексте)
Соловьева КсенияУченик (183) 4 года назад
А почему третье TRUE...
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