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Дайте описание характера Dr.Cabbage из книги Goth girl!

Елена Яворская Мастер (1306), закрыт 6 лет назад
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KsuMarvelous Мастер (2370) 6 лет назад
Dr Cabbage, an eccentric inventor who has been employed to construct a calculating machine. He has two children: Emily, an aspiring artist, and William, who suffers from "chameleon syndrome" and blends in with his surroundings, whatever they might be.
Charles Cabbage has been a background presence in the previous books, Goth Girl and the Ghost of a Mouse, and Goth Girl and the Fete Worse than Death, but now he becomes much more substantial. Unlike Ada, who perhaps does not have all that much in common with her historical ‘twin’, the Countess of Lovelace, Charles Cabbage is a more faithful descendant of mathematician Charles Babbage. With him, he shares not only the scientific prowess, but also a strong dislike of ‘[t]he music of organ grinders in the street [which] is the worst public nuisance of them all’.
Dr Cabbage looks very much like Professor Branestorm, even down to his habit of wearing several pairs of glasses
Елена ЯворскаяМастер (1306) 6 лет назад
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