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помогите пожалуйста, английский

Анастасия Калуцких Профи (966), на голосовании 6 лет назад
Вставьте артикли
"l'd ſike to get ___ bunch of ___ roses for __ moment. Yes, __ shop
you need is down ___ street around _ corner. Just cross __ mad at _
crafflc lights opposite ___ post office".

"Whar's _ name of __ novel you bought at __ station ___ before
yesterday?" **Oh, it's not ___ novel, it's __ film review called _
Cinema Today'l There is __ information about ____ new films and also
__ interesting facts about _ life of _ actors who ofien work not only
for _ cinema but also for __ television and _ ſheatre".

"What do you do?" "l'm __ musician". "Have you got __ regular job?"
"Yes. l play _ violin in _ orchesua".
*Do you like __ big Cities?" KNo, l come from _ small tovm in __
mountains. There isn't even hotel because _ tourists seldom come
50 fir to ___ north of ____ country". "*Do you watch _ TV?" "No, l
don't have _ TV set at __ home. l prefer to go to _ bed early".

"Did you enjoy _ day off at __ seaside?" "Yes, it was __ nice day:
sun was shining, __ cool wind was very refreshing and there wasn't
cloud in _ sky".
Голосование за лучший ответ
Алексей Кандрин Мудрец (16298) 6 лет назад
Не. Ну вы серьезно. В английском два мать вашу артикля!
A и THE. Еще A в AN могет. ВСЕ.

Я епрст немецкий учу. 4 падежа. 4 базовых артикля, которые определяют род слова (причем роды в русском и немецком зачастую не совпадают. Скажем - "девочка" в немецком - средний род). В падежах артикли могут изменяться. Суммарно надо запомнить не-/изменение 16-ти артиклей.

А тут не могут 2 артикля вставить, на которых существует три с половиной простых правила. Слабоумным дорога в этом мире заказана.
Archibald Высший разум (103321) 6 лет назад
"l'd ſike to get a bunch of roses for a moment. Yes, the shop
you need is down the street around a corner. Just cross the mad at
crafflc lights opposite the post office".

"What's a name of novel you bought at the station before
yesterday?" **Oh, it's not a novel, it's a film review called
Cinema Today'l There is a information about the new films and also
interesting facts about the life of actors who often work not only
for cinema but also for television and ſheatre".

"What do you do?" "l'm musician". "Have you got a regular job?"
"Yes. l play a violin in the orchestra".
*Do you like big Cities?" No, l come from a small town in the
mountains. There isn't even hotel because the tourists seldom come
50 fir to the north of country". "*Do you watch TV?" "No, l
don't have TV set at home. l prefer to go to the bed early".

"Did you enjoy a day off at the seaside?" "Yes, it was a nice day:
sun was shining, cool wind was very refreshing and there wasn't
cloud in the sky".
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