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Нужно перевести текст на английский, плиз

Игорь Знаток (398), закрыт 6 лет назад
Лучший ответ
Артемий Степанов Мастер (1485) 6 лет назад
а) 1)in the following months students will live in a new house 2)our work in the summer will be interesting 3)if we have time we'll meet each day 4)the lecture will take place in two days 5)tomorrow I will go to the library because I have a little time 6)will you be home tonight?if you will,I will come to you 7)in the past year, Peter has not been studied in our group 8)in the evening Peter usually goes to English within the hour 9)tomorrow will be cold 10)let's talk in English 11)come to me when you have time.
ИгорьЗнаток (398) 6 лет назад
Вторую часть тоже можно?)
Артемий СтепановМастер (1485) 6 лет назад
мне это в комментах писать?)
Игорь Знаток (398) Почему нет)
Артемий СтепановМастер (1485) 6 лет назад
можешь тогда потом сделать мой ответ лучшим?
Игорь Знаток (398) да
Артемий СтепановМастер (1485) 6 лет назад
1)my brother wants to study at forest Institute. he wants to study trees and other plants that grow in the forest. 2)at school he studied German language; he knows a lot of German words;he reads,writes and speaks a little German. 3)in Moscow, he will live without parents. 4)the teachers of the Institute will help him 5)Kester will appeal to Moscow,when he sees her gardens and parks. 6)protection and preservation of nature is now required for the future of life on earth. 7)trees take minerals from the soil and breathe the leaves. 8)if you're free tonight you'll go to a lecture about plant protection?-Yes 9)do not come tomorrow to me.I'll be busy. 10)if people will keep all the plants that now grow on the ground,it will always be enough oxygen for humans and jevtich.
Игорь Знаток (398) пасиб, как смогу, сделаю
Остальные ответы
Денис Бурылов Профи (508) 6 лет назад
Смари. Берёш в переводчике пишешь по русски и всё.
Дария Бахвалова Знаток (306) 6 лет назад
1. Next month students will live in a new house 2. Our work in the summer will be an interesting 3. If we have time, we'll meet each day
Дмитрий Осипов Знаток (454) 6 лет назад
а) 1)in the following months students will live in a new house 2)our work in the summer will be interesting 3)if we have time we'll meet each day 4)the lecture will take place in two days 5)tomorrow I will go to the library because I have a little time 6)will you be home tonight?if you will,I will come to you 7)in the past year, Peter has not been studied in our group 8)in the evening Peter usually goes to English within the hour 9)tomorrow will be cold 10)let's talk in English 11)come to me when you have time.
Варвара Бродовская Ученик (188) 6 лет назад
1)in the following months students will live in a new house 2)our work in the summer will be interesting 3)if we have time we'll meet each day 4)the lecture will take place in two days 5)tomorrow I will go to the library because I have a little time 6)will you be home tonight?if you will,I will come to you 7)in the past year, Peter has not been studied in our group 8)in the evening Peter usually goes to English within the hour 9)tomorrow will be cold 10)let's talk in English 11)come to me when you have time.
Богдан Гамаюнов Ученик (144) 6 лет назад
1)in the following months students will live in a new house 2)our work in the summer will be interesting 3)if we have time we'll meet each day 4)the lecture will take place in two days 5)tomorrow I will go to the library because I have a little time 6)will you be home tonight?if you will,I will come to you 7)in the past year, Peter has not been studied in our group 8)in the evening Peter usually goes to English within the hour 9)tomorrow will be cold 10)let's talk in English 11)come to me when you have time.
александр морозкин Ученик (192) 6 лет назад
а) 1)in the following months students will live in a new house 2)our work in the summer will be interesting 3)if we have time we'll meet each day 4)the lecture will take place in two days 5)tomorrow I will go to the library because I have a little time 6)will you be home tonight?if you will,I will come to you 7)in the past year, Peter has not been studied in our group 8)in the evening Peter usually goes to English within the hour 9)tomorrow will be cold 10)let's talk in English 11)come to me when you have time. Сам старался! докажу сайт знания .соь
михаил Ученик (172) 6 лет назад
а) 1)in the following months students will live in a new house 2)our work in the summer will be interesting 3)if we have time we'll meet each day 4)the lecture will take place in two days 5)tomorrow I will go to the library because I have a little time 6)will you be home tonight?if you will,I will come to you 7)in the past year, Peter has not been studied in our group 8)in the evening Peter usually goes to English within the hour 9)tomorrow will be cold 10)let's talk in English 11)come to me when you have time.
михаил игонин Ученик (116) 6 лет назад
1)in the following months students will live in a new house 2)our work in the summer will be interesting 3)if we have time we'll meet each day 4)the lecture will take place in two days 5)tomorrow I will go to the library because I have a little time 6)will you be home tonight?if you will,I will come to you 7)in the past year, Peter has not been studied in our group 8)in the evening Peter usually goes to English within the hour 9)tomorrow will be cold 10)let's talk in English 11)come to me when you have time.
Дана Мишкина Ученик (219) 6 лет назад
1) in the following months students will live in a new house 2) our work in the summer will be interesting
3) if we have time we'll meet each day 4) the lecture will take place in two days 5) tomorrow I will go to the library because I have a little time 6) will you be home tonight?if you will,I will come to you 7) in the past year, Peter has not been studied in our group 8) in the evening Peter usually goes to English within the hour 9) tomorrow will be cold 10) let's talk in English 11) come to me when you have time.
Желаю удачи!)
Никита Гусев Знаток (354) 6 лет назад
а переводчик на что? Просто текст туда пишешь и ставишь перевод на английский, и все, баллы можно не тратить. Ну или ответы выше читай))
Senya Mayer Ученик (110) 6 лет назад
На телефон качаешь Google Translate и фоткаешь. Готово!!!:)))
Салмаах Профи (904) 6 лет назад
а) 1)in the following months students will live in a new house 2)our work in the summer will be interesting 3)if we have time we'll meet each day 4)the lecture will take place in two days 5)tomorrow I will go to the library because I have a little time 6)will you be home tonight?if you will,I will come to you 7)in the past year, Peter has not been studied in our group 8)in the evening Peter usually goes to English within the hour 9)tomorrow will be cold 10)let's talk in English 11)come to me when you have time. изии
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