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помогите пожалуйста сделать 6 упражнение

Алинкамалинка Ученик (161), закрыт 5 лет назад
Лучший ответ
Лили Вайт Мастер (2070) 5 лет назад
She said that she had seen Amanda at the cinema .She told me that they didn't live there any more.He said that Canada is a large country. She told us that Statue of Liberty is in the USA (habitual truth) He told me (us) that he would help with my/our homework.Bill said that he would go on holiday if he had enough money .Тom promised me (us) that if he was free he would call me (us) He told us that we should make a decision.He advised us to make a decision. She told me (us) that I (we) could ask John for advice. She told me ( us) to ask John for advice
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ЛЕЯ Ли Просветленный (30592) 5 лет назад
Да ты чё, я и с одним не справлюсь
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