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Maks saf Знаток (304), на голосовании 6 лет назад
Washington, DC is the capital of the United States of America. It is situated in the mouth of the Potomac River, in the
District of Colum­bia (DC), not belonging
to any state. The city is unique in its own
way — it was specially designed as the capital of the USA. The archi­ tect, who drew up the plan of the city, Pierre 1’Enfant, wanted it to be very convenient.
The place for the capital was chosen by the first pres­ ident, George Washington, and in 1800 the Government moved there.
There are a lot of Governmental offices, but probably the best known, as well as the most important for the country’s life are the White House and the Capitol.
The White House is the official residence of the Pres­ ident of the United States. It was built in 1799.
It is a three-storeyedhouse where the President and his family live.
At the same time it is the place where official receptions are held and the administration gathers for the meetings.
The Capitol is the seat of the Congress. The comer stone of the Congress was laid by George Washington in 1790.
The Congress has two chambers: the House of Representatives and the Senate.
The city of Washington, DC is rather large and very beautiful, being at the same time different from all the other cities in the USA, because
there are no skyscrapers. According to the law, no houseinWashing­ton, DC must be higher than the Capitol.Washington, DC has thepopulation ofabout 900,000people.
the country,it doesn’t haveany industry.
They say, nothing is produced in Washington, DC except wastepaper.
Thousands of documents are drafted, approvedor deniedinthecity every day. People living there either belong to the administration, or are employed in
the service industry. Besides,thousands of tourists
come to see the capital of the country. There is a lot to be seen: Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Library of Congress, the Washington Monu­ ment and much more.
The Washington Monument is the most remark­ able of these: it is a column rising 160 metres, and from the top of it the visitors can enjoy the view over the city.
Among the attractions of the capital it is necessary to mention the museums: the National Gallery of Art, the National Museum of History and Technology, and others.

1.Where is Washington, DC situated?

2.Why is the city unique?

3.When did the government move to Washington, DC?

4.Where is the official residence of the President of the USA situated?

5.What is the Capitol?

6.How many chambers are there in the Congress?

7.Why aren’t there any skyscrapers in Washington, DC?

8.What is the population of the city?

9.Is there any industry in Washington, DC?

10.What are the main attractions of the city?
Голосование за лучший ответ
Vasendin Elena Мыслитель (6328) 6 лет назад
1.Where is Washington, DC situated? Washington, DC is situated in the mouth of the Potomac River, in the
District of Colum­bia (DC).
2.Why is the city unique? The city is unique because it's a capital of the USA.

3.When did the government move to Washington, DC? The government moved to Washington, DC in 1800.

4. The official residence of the President of the USA is situated at The White House.
5.What is the Capitol?

6.How many chambers are there in the Congress? There are two chambers in the Congress: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

7.Why aren’t there any skyscrapers in Washington, DC? There is a law that prohibits to build houses taller than the Capitol.

8.What is the population of the city? The population of the city is about 900,000 people.
9.Is there any industry in Washington, DC? No, there is not.

10.What are the main attractions of the city? The main attractions of the city are: Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Library of Congress, the Washington Monu­meant, the National Gallery of Art, the National Museum of History and Technology, and many others.
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