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Рафаэль Ламбрианов Знаток (279), закрыт 5 лет назад
1. Are you employed by a taxi company or is Pet Taxi your own business
2.I am going to ask my boss for a pay rise next week/
3. -What do you think about their new marketing campaign? -I think it'll probably succed
4. The company id doing very well. Last year sales went up by 15%, and so far this year they have gone up another 12%
5. I couldn't use the company car yesterday bacause it was being serviced
Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (335307) 5 лет назад
1) Are employed-Present Simple Passive; is-Present Simple
2) am going to ask-оборот to be going to
3) do you think-Present Simple; think-Present Simple; it'll succeed-Future Simple
4) is doing-Present Continuous; went up- Past Simple; have gone up-Present Perfect
5) couldn't use-Модальный глагол can в Past Simple; was being serviced-Past Continuous Passive;
Рафаэль ЛамбриановЗнаток (279) 5 лет назад
спасибо, а насчет залога, не везде написано где пассив а где актив
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (335307) Если Active, то не пишется. )))
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