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Как запустить консоль командной строки в Hadoop?

Николай Извеков Ученик (100), закрыт 5 лет назад
Установил Hadoop на Windows ( namenode и cluster запускается нормально.
А где команды вводить (например, загрузить файл в HDFS)? Где расположена консоль?
Лучший ответ
Оксана Попова Гуру (3097) 5 лет назад
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Остальные ответы
gowsi saran Ученик (102) 4 года назад
Use on the node you want the Namenode to run on. This will bring up HDFS with the Namenode running on the machine you ran the command on and Datanodes on the machines listed in the slaves file. Use start-mapred.
Trainings Adda Ученик (118) 4 года назад
The research report also provides a detailed analysis of Hadoop and Big Data Analytics applications and benchmarking with a greater focus on the pros and cons of Hadoop, Big Data Analytics and the competitive analysis of large companies. Know more details:
Saurav Ojha Ученик (102) 2 года назад
What are top 25 devops interview question asked in 2021?
Saurav OjhaУченик (102) 2 года назад
Here are the top 25 DevOps Interview questions which is asked in DevOps interviews..
Operating system
1) What is the distinction among Linux and Unix ?

2) What’s a KVM ?

3) How might you ensure a help begins an OS of your decision ?

4) Here’s a terminal. What kind of Linux is running ?

5) Write an order to erase all unfilled record under a registry.

6) What is Active Directory? How would you make a worker join an area ?

Systems administration
1. What is the contrast among TCP and UDP ?

2. What is ICMP? For what reason should you block it ?

2. What are configuration designs ?
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