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кЛАВА КЛАВА Ученик (21), закрыт 15 лет назад
1. Шоппинг был великолепным, но я очень сонная весь день, поэтому долго не ходила по магазинам. Зашла в первый магазин джинс и купила первую попавшуюся пару. Я не люблю часами ходить по магазинам, чтоб в итоге вернуться к той вещи, которая понравилась первая. Да и вообще шоппинг не для меня. я купила замечательные джинсы фирмы Томми Хилфигер. они стоили 7 тысяч рублей.
2. я хочу спать весь день. когда я ехала домой на такси, я заснула 4 раза. но я совершенно не жалею, что не спала в последний день.
3. как твой рабочий день? кстати с чем твоя работа связана?
4. мне кажется что жить одному очень скучно. Я думаю что тебе стоит прилететь в россию, забрать меня и я буду клоуном для тебя и Софи.
5. у меня есть один принцип. если у меня есть молодой человек, то я никогда не буду думать о ком-то другом. даже если мой молодой человек живёт далеко и я вижу его очень редко. измены и враньё - не для меня. я никогда не изменяла своим молодым людям и даже не представляю что это.
Лучший ответ
Ника Высший разум (181805) 15 лет назад
1. Shopping was magnificent, but I very sleepy all the day long, therefore long did not go shopping. Has come into the first shop джинс and has bought the first got pair. I do not like to go shopping hours as a result to return to that thing which has liked the first. And in general shopping not for me. I have bought remarkable jeans of firm Tommi Khilfiger. They cost 7 thousand roubles. 2. I wish to sleep all the day long. When I went home by a taxi, I have fallen asleep 4 times. But I at all do not regret, that did not sleep last day. 3. How your working day? By the way with what your work is connected? 4. It seems to me what to live to one very boringly. I think that you should arrive to Russia, to take away me and I shall be the clown for you and Софи. 5. I have one principle. If I have a young man I shall never think of someone the friend. Even if my young man lives far and I see it very seldom. Changes and враньё - not for me. I never changed to the young men and at all I do not represent that it.
Остальные ответы
Бауржан Канкулов Профи (908) 15 лет назад
1.Shopping was magnificent, but I very sleepy all the day long, therefore long did not go shopping. Has come into the first shop джинс and has bought the first pair. I do not like to go shopping hours as a result to return to that thing which was pleasant the first. And in general shopping not for me. I have bought remarkable jeans of firm Tommi Hilfiger. They cost 7 thousand rubles.
2.I wish to sleep all the day long. When I went home by a taxi, I have fallen asleep 4 times. But I at all do not regret that did not sleep last day.
3.How your working day? By the way with what your work is connected?
4.It seems to me what to live to one very boringly. I think that you should arrive in россию, to take away me and I will be the clown for you and Sofi.
5.I have one principle. If I have a young man I will never think of someone the friend. Even if my young man lives far and I see it very seldom. Changes and lies - not for me. I never changed to the young men and at all I do not represent that it.
Дмитрий Мастер (1643) 15 лет назад
1.Shopping was magnificent, but I am very sleepy all day long, therefore long did not walk on shops. Called at the first shop of dzhins and purchased the first meeting pair. I do not love by hours to walk on shops, that in the total to go back to a that thing which pleased first. And in general shopping not for me. I purchased the remarkable jeans of firm of Tommy Khilfiger. they costed 7 thousand roubles.
2. I want to sleep all day long. when I went home by a taxi, I fallen asleep 4 times. but I do not quite spare, that did not fall in a closing date. 3. as is there your working day? by the way what is your work related to? 4. it seems to me that to live one very boring. I think that you need to arrive in rossiyu, take away me and I will be a clown for you and Sophie.
5. I have one principle. if I have a young man, I never will think about somebody else. even if my young man lives far and I see him very rarely. treasons and taradiddle - not for me. I never changed the young people and does not even present that it.
крутой бакинец Ученик (130) 15 лет назад
1. Shopping was magnificent, but I very sleepy all the day long, therefore long did not go shopping. Has come into the first shop джинс and has bought the first pair. I do not like to go shopping hours as a result to return to that thing which was pleasant the first. And in general shopping not for me. I have bought remarkable jeans of firm Tommi Hilfiger. They cost 7 thousand rubles. 2. I wish to sleep all the day long. When I went home by a taxi, I have fallen asleep 4 times. But I at all do not regret that did not sleep last day. 3. How your working day? By the way with what your work is connected? 4. It seems to me what to live to one very boringly. I think that you should arrive in россию, to take away me and I will be the clown for you and Sofi. 5. I have one principle. If I have a young man I will never think of someone the friend. Even if my young man lives far and I see it very seldom. Changes and lies - not for me. I never changed to the young men and at all I do not represent that it.
@лекс Знаток (471) 15 лет назад
. Shopping was magnificent, but I very sleepy all the day long, therefore long did not go shopping. Has come into the first shop джинс and has bought the first got pair. I do not like to go shopping hours as a result to return to that thing which has liked the first. And in general shopping not for me. I have bought remarkable jeans of firm Tommi Khilfiger. They cost 7 thousand roubles. 2. I wish to sleep all the day long. When I went home by a taxi, I have fallen asleep 4 times. But I at all do not regret, that did not sleep last day. 3. How your working day? By the way with what your work is connected? 4. It seems to me what to live to one very boringly. I think that you should arrive to Russia, to take away me and I shall be the clown for you and Софи. 5. I have one principle. If I have a young man I shall never think of someone the friend. Even if my young man lives far and I see it very seldom. Changes and враньё - not for me. I never changed to the young men and at all I do not represent that it
Алёнка;) Профи (740) 15 лет назад
1. Shopping was wonderful, but I am sleeping all day, so long to go shopping. First come to a shop and bought the first jeans popavshuyusya pair. I do not like to shop for hours, to eventually return to the things that like the first. All in all the shopping is not for me. I bought a great company, Tommy Hilfiger jeans. They cost 7 thousand rubles.
2. I want to sleep all day. when I was going home by taxi, I zasnula 4 times. but I absolutely do not regret that it was not asleep at the last day.
3. as your working day? By the way what your work involves?
4. I believe that to live a very dull. I think that you should fly to Russia, picked me and I will clown for you and Sophie.
5. I have one principle. If I have a young man, I will never think about someone else. Even if my young people are living far away and I see it is very rare. treason and lies - not for me. I have never changed our young people and not even imagine it.
Secret Искусственный Интеллект (899249) 15 лет назад
Шоппинг был великолепным, The shiopping was really perfectly
но я очень сонная весь день, поэтому долго не ходила по магазинам. Зашла в первый магазин джинс и купила первую
but i was so sleepy, that's why I had no spend my time for shopping.I visited first shop and bought one Jiens for me at once.
попавшуюся пару.
Я не люблю часами ходить по магазинам, чтоб в итоге вернуться к той вещи, которая понравилась первая. Да и вообще шоппинг не для меня. я купила замечательные джинсы фирмы Томми Хилфигер. они стоили 7 тысяч рублей.

Если вы спали на ходу, то шоппинг нельза называть великолепным. Это -нонсенс.
Писать иностранцу о том, что вы взяли первую попавшуюся пару - нельзя. Категорически.
Для него это - сразу клеймо : "Женщина, которая не умеет выбирать"
кроме того - джинсы в США столько не стоят. НИКОГДА. Женщина, которая отдаёт за джинсы такую сумму, достойна
осмеяния и денег ей больше в руки никто не даст.

try rewrite it
SPAM Мастер (1261) 15 лет назад
1. Shopping was magnificent, but I very sleepy all the day long, therefore long did not go shopping. Has come into the first shop джинс and has bought the first pair. I do not like to go shopping hours as a result to return to that thing which was pleasant the first. And in general shopping not for me. I have bought remarkable jeans of firm Tommi Hilfiger. They cost 7 thousand rubles.
2. I wish to sleep all the day long. When I went home by a taxi, I have fallen asleep 4 times. But I at all do not regret that did not sleep last day.
3. How your working day? By the way with what your work is connected?
4. It seems to me what to live to one very boringly. I think that you should arrive in россию, to take away me and I will be the clown for you and Sofi.
5. I have one principle. If I have a young man I will never think of someone the friend. Even if my young man lives far and I see it very seldom. Changes and lies - not for me. I never changed to the young men and at all I do not represent that it.
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