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Вика Мошкина Ученик (161), на голосовании 5 лет назад
3. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1)There are eight people in the spaceship (team/crew). 2) Bob can be (honest/dishonest). He tells lies easily. 3) If you are not trained enough, doing some exercises can be (painless/painful). 4) When Jim saw Mary, she was crying and looked absolutely (helpful/helpless). 5) The pupils ended their meeting (in/with) the school hymn. 6) There are great (climatic/climate) changes in this region. 7) Your answer is not quite full Peter. (What else/where else) can you add to it. 8) The students lost their way in the forest but fortunately they ended (up/in) at the camp. 9) Mark was (excited/exciting) about going abroad. 10) To know three foreign languages is a great (advantage/disadvantage).
Голосование за лучший ответ
Вера Марсова Ученик (156) 5 лет назад
1) crew
2) dishonest
3) painful
4) helpless
5) with
6) climate
7) What else
8) up
9) excited
10) advantage

Надо заметить, что предложения составлены достаточно сухо и отвечают оригинальным английским оборотам только относительно...
Советую поменять учебник xD
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