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kenu ken Ученик (84), закрыт 5 лет назад
1) I'm sure life in 2100 will be very different. The earth will be so polluted that we won't be able to live on it anymore. It will be difficult to find clean water and lots of animals and plants won't exist anymore. I think we will live in glass domes in underwater cities and will travel in special mini-submarines. Mark (13)

2) I think life will change for the better in 2100. Everyone will have a robotic housemaid that will do all the housework and look after the kids. We will also have robotic teachers and if you don't want to go to school, you won't have to because there will be online schools. Jennifer (13)

3) I think that we will be able to take holidays on the moon in 2100. A moon shuttle will travel from the Earth to the moon in only a few hours. There will be moon hotels where people can stay, and moon zoos where we will see strange creatures. People will wear special suits that keep them on the ground. But I'm not sure everyone will have enough money to go on a holiday to the moon. Jake (14)

4) I believe we will have flying cars and we will be able to fly around cities. If we have flying cars, there won't be any traffic jams. I also think that there won't be any petrol left, so we will use another fuel that won't cause pollution. It will be better for the planet. Brad (14)
Лучший ответ
Shero Shero Просветленный (33752) 5 лет назад
Will life in 2100 be very different?
Who will have robotic teachers?
Where will we be able to take holidays in 2100?
Will we have flying cars or buses?
There won't be any petrol left, will there?
Остальные ответы
Алекс Просветленный (39379) 5 лет назад
Я отвечу на пятый вопрос!
kenu kenУченик (84) 5 лет назад
Алекс Просветленный (39379) В смысле - "What?"
Гвоздёва Диана Ученик (145) 5 лет назад
1. Я уверен, что в 2100 жизнь будет совершенно другой. Земля будет настолько загрязнена, что будет невозможным жить на ней больше. Будет сложно найти чистую воду и большинство животных и растений не будет существовать. Я думаю, мы будет жить в подводных городах-куполах и будем путешествовать на специальных мини-субмаринах.
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