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Помогите пожалуйста с английским, прошу!!

Анастасия Великая Ученик (23), закрыт 5 лет назад
Нужно составить 5-6 предложений на английском языке про терроризм. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!
Лучший ответ
Shero Shero Просветленный (33752) 5 лет назад
Under the term "terrorism", we understand the use of violence and intimidation for political or religious goals. The terrorism usually targets at the civilian population and it creates an atmosphere of horror for pressure the government or other representatives of power. There are plenty of things that give birth to terrorism, they include different kinds of fanaticism, racism, political frustration and interests.
The danger of terrorism has changed our lives. Countries are now gathering information about terrorists on a more worldwide level. But in spite of accepting, extent terrorism is still a serious threat for common people. It is considered to be the pressing problem of our time. Drastic measures should be taken in order to address the situation as peacefully as possible.
Остальные ответы
Вероника Федорова Профи (521) 5 лет назад
Terrorism is a serious crime when an organized group of people strives to achieve their goal through violence. Terrorists are people who take hostages, organize explosions in crowded places, use weapons. Often the victims of terrorism are innocent people, among whom are children.
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