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юра грацианский Знаток (488), закрыт 5 лет назад
Школьная жизнь в России"
Лучший ответ
Marie Ella Мудрец (11590) 5 лет назад
Schools in Russia have a lot in common with schools in other countries.

точно про классы не знаю. исправьте сами, если в вашей школе по-другому.

The school year begins in September. The first of September is called the Day of Knowledge. Classes start on this day.

Normally there are four terms divided by holidays. Some schools now have a different number of terms and holidays.

The school year ends in May. Students have their tests and exams in June.

School education in Russia consists of three parts. These are primary school, secondary school and high school. Primary school is the first through to the fourth grade. Secondary school is the fifth through to the ninth grade. High school is the tenth and the eleventh grades.

Students sit exams at the end of the ninth grade. They can leave school then and start professional training at vocational schools.

Those who go to high school take final exams at the end of the eleventh grade. If their score is high enough, they are admitted to universities.
Marie EllaМудрец (11590) 5 лет назад
точно про классы не знаю. исправьте, если в вашей школе по-другому.
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