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Юра Гаглоев Профи (897), закрыт 5 лет назад
In industrially developed countries there is a tendency for people to leave big overcrowded cities and move to the countryside where they find peace, quiet and an unpolluted environment .
So what is wrong with cities? Only a few decades ago they seemed to be so attractive .
A lot of people will tell you that life in big cities is really stressful. The city centres are full of busy and noisy activity day and night and the suburbs are usually dull, overcrowded and tend to have criminal problems .

The roads in towns and cities have become unsafe especially during the rush hours when drivers and their passengers waste time in traffic jams .
Besides, not all parts of big cities look beautiful, some of them actually look quite ugly with similar high-rise crowded buildings .
on the other hand, some other parts of towns and cities may look fantastically picturesque.
there is always a lot to see and to do in towns and cities . They offer many more job opportunities than a small place in the country .They have a good choice of schools, universities, libraries, museums and theatres .

To sum up, i can say that both towns and the countryside have their own attractive features . So people should be able to decide what lifestyle is closer to them.
Лучший ответ
Marie Ella Мудрец (11590) 5 лет назад
Nowadays people in developed countries tend to leave cities and move to the country. This is a big change from a few decades ago when urban life seemed attractive.

What is wrong with cities? First of all, it's the noise and a higher rate of criminal problems. Secondly, there are problems with road safety and the traffic is always busy. Besides, not all parts of big cities look beautiful. Some of them are just ugly blocks of concrete.

On the other hand, there are fantastically picturesque places in every city. People there always have things to see and do. They are more job opportunities in urban areas. What is more, cities have a good choice of schools, universities, libraries, museums and theatres.

To sum it up, there are advantages to the city life as well as living in the country. It's up to you to choose the lifestyle you like.
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Юра ГаглоевПрофи (897) 5 лет назад
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