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Помогите решить английский

Семныч Профи (517), закрыт 5 лет назад
Английский решите, очень прошу.
Лучший ответ
Marie Ella Мудрец (11590) 5 лет назад
One day two thieves decided to rob a jeweller's shop in the shopping centre. Late at night they stopped the car close to the jeweller's shop. As they entered they broke the display window. When the jeweller suddenly heard strange sounds he called the police. The thieves stole diamonds and drove away in their car. Meanwhile the jeweller took a taxi to follow the thieves quickly. He saw the thieves as they joined the traffic. Soon after that they hit a bus and the car broke down. The thieves jumped out and tried to escape on foot. At that moment the police arrived to arrest them.
Остальные ответы
Nikita Nik Оракул (67068) 5 лет назад
На когда нужно это задание?
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