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Нужен топик на английском. Помогите кто знает хорошо язык.

Viper Fix Знаток (325), закрыт 5 лет назад
Тема: моё хобби.
Напишите что-нибудь про спорт и чтение книг. Спасибо.
Лучший ответ
Диванный Аналитик Мастер (1126) 5 лет назад
Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. It has been developing with the developing and growth of the mankind. All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sports and games. Sport not only helps people to become strong and to develop physically but also makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. It makes for a healthy mind in a healthy body. Sports help people to keep in good health. We all need to exercise. Even if you don't plan to make a career in sport you still have to practice. Regular exercises give you more energy. That is why many people who suffer from general tiredness should take more exercise than more rest. Exercises make you feel and look better. The best exercise is one which involves in repeated movements, those are: walking, jogging or swimming. Bending and stretching will add flexibility and feeling of lightness.
Among the sports popular in our country are football, basketball, swimming, volleyball, ice hockey, tennis, gymnastics, figure skating. A person can choose sports and games for any season, for any taste.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Viper Fix. I’m 47 year old Reading plays a very important part in my life. I have several interests and hobbies and reading is one of them.In my opinion, people should read books because they educate and enriches the intellect. Books can also shape a person’s character and his moral values. Apart from that, reading is simply fun. It entertains us and gives lots of pleasure. For example, when I read an interesting book, I completely dissolve in it. I travel to distant places together with main characters. If the book is super-interesting, I can read it again and again.Thanks to reading, I have learn to express my thoughts and feelings more clearly. I think that reading a book at spare time is a wonderful activity. Besides, books are rather handy. They are easy to carry, so I always take a book or two when I travel. I especially like reading on a bus or train. This way time flies like a streak of lightning.People are fond of reading different kinds of books. My favourite genre is a novel. I also enjoy reading the works of famous Russian and foreign authors, which are now considered to be classics. For example, according to our school program we had to read “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev and “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky. I truly enjoyed both of them. Another good novel was “War and Peace” by Tolstoy. Our teacher showed us a movie based on this novel because the book itself is really huge and contains several volumes. I should admit that the movie was also brilliant.
Остальные ответы
Shero Shero Просветленный (33751) 5 лет назад
"Мое хобби - чтение" (My hobby is reading)
My hobby is reading. It has been a great pleasure for me since my childhood. The world of literature is fascinating and infinite. It certainly doesn’t mean that I love all the books. To tell the truth, finding a good book is not so easy. I prefer historical novels, classical and informative literature and some professional books concerning business and management as I am going to run a business of my own in future. I never choose a book only by its colourful cover. As a rule, I look through its pages, read about the writer and his awards. My favourite writers are Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas and Dan Brown.
It goes without saying that some of the books have become my favourites. When I open one of them I immerse in the world of my favourite heroes at once. A book is able to make me laugh or cry because I start feeling exactly what the characters feel. I experience somebody’s pain or joy and I understand that the art of the word in some books is extremely powerful. The book gives me a chance to look at our life through the author’s eyes, to analyze and agree or disagree with his point of view. Sometimes a book can completely change my way of thinking or help me to solve some serious personal or psychological problem.
Unfortunately today most of people and teenagers are not fond of reading. They would rather prefer going to night clubs or just watching TV. They find reading a bit boring or a waste of time. To my mind everything depends on the book. I am sure that without reading one cannot become an intelligent and educated person. People would consider him to be ignorant, illiterate or even ill-mannered, his vocabulary would be quite poor.
I should say that I enjoy reading not only books. I read magazines and I also surf the net and subscribe to interesting sites. These media can undoubtedly provide me with boundless and useful knowledge too. And by the way I often read e-books instead of the paper ones.
The book is my best and precious friend and it’s always with me. I devote most of my free time to reading. I read in transport or when I have to wait in a queue. I always take a good book with me when I travel or go on holidays. And I usually read before going to bed because it helps me to unwind at the end of a long and stressful day. I never feel lonely when I have a great book in my hands.
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