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Английский тест, помогитеее

Fhdhdjsjjsd Dyskskxdb Ученик (117), закрыт 5 лет назад
Лучший ответ
Маргарита Марсо Гений (61850) 5 лет назад
1. I donʹt know whatʹs wrong with this computer. If I press F1, it always CLOSES down (прекращает работу).
2. IF Mr. Grainger arrives while Iʹm at lunch, please, ask him to wait in my office.
3. If itʹs raining when you arrive, IʹLL COME to the station and pick you up.
4. I wonʹt accept the job UNLESS they offer me more money than Iʹm earning now.
5. The manager wonʹt give Kevin his job back, EVEN IF he gets on his knees and begs!
6. He would certainly buy a better car if he HAD enough money.
7. Imagine you COULD have a superpower, which one would you choose?
8. If I WERE Geraldine, Iʹd definitely tell her son to leave home.
9. Where would you go if you HAD a holiday next year?
10. The government WOULDNʹT HAVE LOST the election if they hadnʹt put taxes up.
11. If you HAD ANSWERED this question correctly, you would have passed the exam.
12. Iʹm not sure, but Helde MIGHT HAVE COME here for the summer if weʹd invited her.
13. If you HADNʹT SHOUTED at your boss that day, youʹd probably still have the job now.
14. Anne would have made more friends in the village if she WASNʹT so shy.
15. We WOULD BE in Greece now if the travel company hadnʹt gone out of business.
16. Iʹd really like to talk to Jim again. If only I KNEW his phone number!
17. Iʹm worried about Robert – I wish he WOULD TELL (выражение крайнего раздражения) us where he goes in the evenings.
18. Iʹm sorry we offended you. We wish we HADNʹT SAID such awful things.
19. Come on! Itʹs time TO GET ON the plane now.
20. We donʹt like those friends you hang around with. Weʹd rather YOU DIDNʹT GO OUT with them again.
Семён КулбаПрофи (513) 3 года назад
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