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Draksed Профи (643), закрыт 5 лет назад
Не могу понять эту тему ((
Дополнен 5 лет назад
Это к первой карточке.
Дополнен 5 лет назад
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Лучший ответ
Маргарита Марсо Гений (61850) 5 лет назад
1. Who doesnʹt eat meat? – Maria.
2. Who doesnʹt have cheese in their meal? – Max.
3. Who has some bread with their meal? – Maria.
4. Who sometimes uses fish in their meal? – Diane.

Meat and fish: beef, fish, chicken.
Fruit and vegetables: tomato, green salad, onion(s), carrot, potato(es), orange.
Other food: pasta, milk, cheese, yoghurt, rice, bread;
lasagne, sauce, curry, soup.

Cooking is a problem in the Linton family, because everyone wants different FOOD. Mr. Linton likes SOME meat in every meal – he has sausages and eggs for BREAKFAST and his favourite dish is roast BEEF. Mrs. Linton doesnʹt like red meat, so she only eats chicken and FISH. Their son Chris is vegetarian – this means that he DOESNʹT eat meat at all, for lunch he usually has a salad and in the evening he has VEGETABLES with pasta or rice. He also EATS a lot of fruit – he has an APPLE or some ORANGES every day. So when the Lintons sit down for dinner, there are often three different meals on the table.

1. Are you ready to ORDER?
2. CARROTS are my favourite vegetables.
3. - Iʹd like some fruit.
- OK. There are some APPLES in the kitchen.
4. We need to buy some ONIONS.
5. She hasnʹt got MUCH bread.
6. Would you like AN egg sandwich?
7. There ISNʹT MUCH sugar in my coffee.
8. You need A LOT OF onions for this soup.
9. I want to buy SOME MILK at the shop.

1. onion – v (vegetable)
2. sugar – o (other food)
3. straw – t (things we use to eat / drink)
4. bread – o (other food)
5. apple – f (fruit)
6. eggs – o (other food)
7. knife – t (things we use to eat / drink)
8. banana – f (fruit)
9. milk – o (other food)
10. fork – t (things we use to eat / drink)
11. water – o (other food)
12. cheese – o (other food)
13. orange juice – d (drink)
14. orange – f (fruit)
15. lemon – f (fruit)
16. plate – t (things we use to eat / drink)
17. crisps – o (other food)
18. glass – t (things we use to eat / drink)

Positive adjectives: delicious, successful, interesting, healthy, brilliant, beautiful + exciting, wonderful.
Negative: awful, unhealthy, difficult, sick, boring, crazy, unhappy + silly, unpleasant.
Остальные ответы
Елена Искусственный Интеллект (289928) 5 лет назад
Где тут понять, шею свернуть можно
DraksedПрофи (643) 5 лет назад
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Ты меня извини, но для начала не мешало бы с русским разобраться...
Источник: >^•^<
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