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Нужен перевод текста на английский язык!

Настя Дорошкевич Ученик (15), закрыт 4 года назад
Привет, Лиза!
Как ты? Я надеюсь хорошо.
Давай узнаем друг-друга получше. У тебя есть лучший друг?
Сегодня я как раз расскажу о своем друге. Его зовут Рома. Он часто приходит мне на помощь. Однажды меня вызвали к доске, но я не выучила дом. задание. Я встала из-за парты с мыслями:" какой ужас!" и как мне не опозориться. Но выйдя к доске я посмотрела на Рому, который жестами мне показывал, что нужно записать на доске. В итоге я получила хорошую отметку. Как здорово, что у меня есть такой замечательный друг!
Кстати сейчас мы идем с ним гулять, поэтому я заканчиваю свое письмо.
До скорых встреч!
Лучший ответ
Jesper's Мыслитель (6973) 4 года назад
Hi, Lisa!
How are you? I hope you are well.
Let's get to know each other better. Do you have a best friend?
Today I'm just going to tell you about my friend. His name is Roma. He often comes to help me. Once I was called to the blackboard, but I didn't learn the homweork. I stood up from my desk thinking,"it's so horrible" and how can I not be ashamed. But going to the blackboard I looked at Roma, who gestured me to show what to write on the blackboard. It's great to have such a wonderful friend!
By the way, now we go for a walk with him, so I finish my letter.
See you soon!
Остальные ответы
Елизавета Кротова Ученик (119) 4 года назад
Hi, Lisa!
What're you up to? I hope to do well.
Let's get to know each other better. Do you have a best friend?
Today I'm just going to tell you about my friend. His name is Roma. He often comes to my aid. I was called to the blackboard once, but I didn't learn the house. task. I stood up from my Desk thinking," how horrible!"and how can I not be ashamed. But coming to the Board, I looked at the rum, which gestures showed me what to write on the Board. I ended up getting a good mark. It's great to have such a wonderful friend!
By the way now we go for a walk with him, so I finish my letter.
See you soon!
Jesper'sМыслитель (6973) 4 года назад
Кривой Яндекс-переводчик, однако)
Xthn_13(666) Искусственный Интеллект (144819) 4 года назад
Hi, Lisa!
What're you up to? I hope to do well.
Let's get to know each other better. Do you have a best friend?
Today I'm just going to tell you about my friend. His name is Roma. He often comes to my aid. I was called to the blackboard once, but I didn't learn the house. task. I stood up from my Desk thinking," how horrible!"and how can I not be ashamed. But coming to the Board, I looked at the rum, which gestures showed me what to write on the Board. I ended up getting a good mark. It's great to have such a wonderful friend!
By the way now we go for a walk with him, so I finish my letter.
See you soon!
Карина ли Знаток (337) 4 года назад
Hi, Lisa!
What're you up to? I hope to do well.
Let's get to know each other better. Do you have a best friend?
Today I'm just going to tell you about my friend. His name is Roma. He often comes to my aid. I was called to the blackboard once, but I didn't learn the house. task. I stood up from my Desk thinking," how horrible!"and how can I not be ashamed. But coming to the Board, I looked at the rum, which gestures showed me what to write on the Board. I ended up getting a good mark. It's great to have such a wonderful friend!
By the way now we go for a walk with him, so I finish my letter.
See you soon!
Ирина Ахметова Ученик (208) 4 года назад
Hi, Lisa!
What're you up to? I hope to do well.
Let's get to know each other better. Do you have a best friend?
Today I'm just going to tell you about my friend. His name is Roma. He often comes to my aid. I was called to the blackboard once, but I didn't learn the house. task. I stood up from my Desk thinking," how horrible!"and how can I not be ashamed. But coming to the Board, I looked at the rum, which gestures showed me what to write on the Board. I ended up getting a good mark. It's great to have such a wonderful friend!
By the way now we go for a walk with him, so I finish my letter.
See you soon!
Cупрамати Гуру (2781) 4 года назад
What`s up, Lisa!
How is it hanging on? I hope to do well.
Let's get to know each other better. Do you have a best friend?
Today I'm just going to tell you about my friend. His name is Roma. He often comes to my aid. I was called to the blackboard once, but I didn't learn the house task. I stood up from my desk thinking," how horrible!"and how can I not be ashamed. But while i was coming to the Board, I looked at Roma, who showed me gestures what to write on the board. I ended up getting a good mark. It's great to have such a wonderful friend!
By the way now we go for a walk with him, so I finish my letter.
See you later, alligator!
Egor Ogarkov Ученик (99) 4 года назад
Hi Liza!
How do you? I hope well.
Let's get to know each other better. Do you have a best friend?
Today I’ll just talk about my friend. His name is Roma. He often comes to my aid. I have not learned the house. the task. I got up from my desk with thoughts: “what a horror!” and how can I not be disgraced. I want to show what needs to be written on the board. In the end, I got a good mark. It’s great that I have such a wonderful friend!
I'm finishing my letter now.
See you soon!
албанский теppopист Ученик (181) 3 года назад
Hello fucking slaves, i am Hitler, вот пожалуйста)
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