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Black Rabbit Знаток (250), закрыт 5 лет назад
Use the phrases to complete the sentences.
1. It was really difficult for the hikers to find their way through the ...of the forest.
2.A sting from a ...caused Jim to suffer a serious allergic reaction.
3.Survivors from the shipwreck were found on a the coast of Australia.
4.You need to put some ...on that cut, to prevent a possible infection.
5.Climbing that ...was a real challenge for William; he felt exhausted from the effort.

Find the corrrect sentences into reported speech.
6.“Have you ever travelled to a foreign country?" Joan asked Sam.
7."Don’t be late for dinner,” Mum told me.
8.“We can’t go whitewater rafting this weekend,” James and Lilly said.
9.“Andrew took up trekking three years ago,” Liz said.
10.“Mark will begin kitesurfing lessons in summer, ” Lee said.
11."The children are going on a roller coaster ride tomorrow,” Sandy told me.
Лучший ответ
Маргарита Марсо Гений (61850) 5 лет назад
1 thick vegetation
2 poisonous insect
3 remote island
4 antiseptic cream
5 steep hillside

1. It was really difficult for the hikers to find their way through the thick vegetation of the forest. - Туристам было очень трудно найти дорогу сквозь густую растительность леса.
2. A sting from a poisonous insect caused Jim to suffer a serious allergic reaction. - Укус ядовитого насекомого вызвал у Джима серьезную аллергическую реакцию.
3. Survivors from the shipwreck were found on a remote island off the coast of Australia. - Люди, которым удалось спастись во время кораблекрушения, были найдены на отдаленном острове у берегов Австралии.
4. You need to put some antiseptic cream on that cut to prevent a possible infection. - Тебе нужно нанести на рану немного антисептической мази, чтобы предотвратить инфекцию.
5. Climbing that steep hillside was a real challenge for William; he felt exhausted from the effort. - Восхождение на крутой склон стало настоящим испытанием для Уильяма; он чувствовал изнеможение.

6. Joan asked Sam if he had ever travelled to a foreign country.
7. Mum told me not to be late for dinner.
8. James and Lilly said that they couldn’t go whitewater rafting that weekend.
9. Liz said that Andrew had taken up trekking three years before.
10. Lee said that Mark would begin kitesurfing lessons that summer.
11. Sandy told me that the children were going on a roller coaster ride the next day.
Black RabbitЗнаток (250) 5 лет назад
Спасибо большое:)
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