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Английский. Changing the subject without using the passive.

Юлия Иванова Ученик (98), закрыт 4 года назад
How to change the subject without using the passive?
Дополнен 4 года назад
Вопрос для экзамена по английской грамматике, 1 курс
Лучший ответ
Маргарита Марсо Гений (61850) 4 года назад
With some transitive verbs we can change the subject of a sentence without using the passive. We don't mention or even imply an agent. Verbs that allow us to change the subject to 'the thing affected by the action' without using the passive are called 'ergative' verbs. By changing the subject of the sentence in this way, the active transitive verb becomes intransitive:

The dog opened the door.
The door opened when the dog pushed it.

This book will change your life.
Your life will change when you read this book.

The sun had dried their clothes by the time they got home.
Their clothes had dried by the time they got home.

She broke her pencil because she was pressing too hard.
Her pencil broke because she was pressing too hard.
Остальные ответы
Майонезов Пельмень Кириллович Мудрец (13413) 4 года назад
Там вопщем говорится о том, как дядя Вова объелся грибов, а потом полетел на Марс на своем стареньком ИЖе
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Маргарита МарсоГений (61850) 4 года назад
Нет, страдательный залог просили не использовать. Автор вопроса имела в виду употребление эргативных глаголов.
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