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Помогите с запросом mysql

Инвент Пром Ученик (132), на голосовании 5 лет назад
При выполнении запроса, в результате только одна строка, а должно быть больше, укажите на ошибку

articul.meta_value As '_sku',
atributs.meta_value As '_product_attributes',
image_gallery.meta_value As '_product_image_gallery',
thumbnail_id.meta_value As '_thumbnail_id',
ostatok.meta_value As '_stock',
price.meta_value As '_price',
GROUP_CONCAT(inpr_term_taxonomy.term_id SEPARATOR ';') As term_id_brand,
GROUP_CONCAT(inpr_term_taxonomy_group.term_id SEPARATOR ';') As term_id_group

inpr_posts as posts
LEFT JOIN inpr_postmeta As articul
ON ( = articul.post_id)
LEFT JOIN inpr_postmeta As atributs
ON (articul.post_id = atributs.post_id)
LEFT JOIN inpr_postmeta As image_gallery
ON (atributs.post_id = image_gallery.post_id)
LEFT JOIN inpr_postmeta As thumbnail_id
ON (image_gallery.post_id = thumbnail_id.post_id)
LEFT JOIN inpr_postmeta As ostatok
ON (image_gallery.post_id = ostatok.post_id)
LEFT JOIN inpr_postmeta As price
ON (ostatok.post_id = price.post_id)

LEFT JOIN inpr_term_relationships As inpr_term_relationships
ON (inpr_term_relationships.object_id = price.post_id)
LEFT JOIN inpr_term_taxonomy As inpr_term_taxonomy
ON (inpr_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id = inpr_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id)

LEFT JOIN inpr_term_relationships As inpr_term_relationships_group
ON (inpr_term_relationships.object_id = price.post_id)
LEFT JOIN inpr_term_taxonomy As inpr_term_taxonomy_group
ON (inpr_term_taxonomy_group.term_taxonomy_id = inpr_term_relationships_group.term_taxonomy_id)

posts.post_type = 'product'
and articul.meta_key = '_sku'
and atributs.meta_key = '_product_attributes'
and image_gallery.meta_key = '_product_image_gallery'
and thumbnail_id.meta_key = '_thumbnail_id'
and ostatok.meta_key = '_stock'
and price.meta_key = '_price'
and inpr_term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'pwb-brand'
and inpr_term_taxonomy_group.taxonomy = 'product_cat'
Голосование за лучший ответ
DD Мастер (1648) 5 лет назад
привет. пиши свой e-mail помогу
Инвент ПромУченик (132) 5 лет назад
Я разобрался, спасибо)))
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