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Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола to be (am, is, are) англ язык

Green Boss Ученик (83), закрыт 2 года назад
Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола to be (am, is, are)

1. Frank and Martin … watching a TV show now.

2. Kelly … washing her dress in the bathroom.

3. Our teacher … writing something on the blackboard.

4. It … getting dark.

5. The birds … singing sweetly in the garden.

6. I … preparing for my report at the moment.

7. The children … decorating the hall for the party.

8. The wind … blowing now.

9. People … speaking quietly in the conference-hall.

10. You … waiting for the call.
Лучший ответ
Манама-Панама Мастер (2271) 4 года назад
I/я - am;
he/он, she/она, it/оно - is
you/ты, we/мы, they/они, you/вы - are

1. are, 2. is, 3. is, 4. is, 5. are, 6. am, 7. are, 8. is, 9. are, 10. are
Остальные ответы
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (150605) 4 года назад
1. Frank and Martin are… watching a TV show now.

2. Kelly …is washing her dress in the bathroom.

3. Our teacher …is writing something on the blackboard.

4. It is… getting dark.

5. The birds are… singing sweetly in the garden.

6. I am… preparing for my report at the moment.

7. The children …are decorating the hall for the party.

8. The wind is… blowing now.

9. People …are speaking quietly in the conference-hall.

10. You are… waiting for the call.
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