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Помогите с домашним заданием, английский язык

Влад Ляднов Знаток (331), закрыт 4 года назад
Дайте как можно подробнее на каждый вопрос, там будет рандом, и 1 из 9 вопросов надо ответить, я прошу вас, плмогите

Вопросы для устной части экзамена:

2. What are the best things about life in the 21st century?
3. Speak about one everyday invention. What is it used for? Would you like to use a robot? Why?
4. Describe you best friend. What traits of character do they have? What are the difficulties in your relationship?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big family? What family do you have?
6. Is it important to play sport? Why? What sport would you like to do?
7. Are you healthy? What would you do to become healthier?
8. Why amusement parks attract so many people? What about you? What is you favourite attraction in a theme park?
9. What do you think about your style? How would you describe it? Do you judge people by the way they look like?
10. What is more difficult to change? Your character or appearance? Why? Give examples to prove your point of view.
Лучший ответ
Shero Shero Просветленный (33752) 4 года назад
2. What are the best things about life in the 21st century?
3. Speak about one everyday invention. What is it used for? Would you like to use a robot? Why?
4. Describe you best friend. What traits of character do they have? What are the difficulties in your relationship?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big family? What family do you have? //
6. Is it important to play sport? Why? What sport would you like to do?
7. Are you healthy? What would you do to become healthier?
8. Why amusement parks attract so many people? What about you? What is you favourite attraction in a theme park?
9. What do you think about your style? How would you describe it? Do you judge people by the way they look like?
10. What is more difficult to change? Your character or appearance? Why? Give examples to prove your point of view.
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