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Заполните пропуски местоимениями any, no или none.

Улька Макарова Ученик (2), закрыт 4 года назад
1. It was late, so there were ...shops open.
2. I haven’t got... money. I left my wallet at home.
3. There were... taxis and we had to walk home.
4. How many eggs have we got? — ...Do you want me to buy
5. We bought a few apples, but... of them were very good.
6. I’ll try and answer... questions you ask me.
7. I couldn’t answer... of the questions they asked me.
8. I tried to phone you, but there was ...answer.
Лучший ответ
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (150532) 4 года назад
1. It was late, so there were no...shops open.
2. I haven’t got...any money. I left my wallet at home.
3. There taxis and we had to walk home.
4. How many eggs have we got? — .None..Do you want me to buy
5. We bought a few apples, but...none of them were very good.
6. I’ll try and answer..any. questions you ask me.
7. I couldn’t answer...any of the questions they asked me.
8. I tried to phone you, but there was no...answer.
Остальные ответы
Hektor Brown Мастер (1990) 4 года назад
1. It was late, so there were no shops open.
2. I haven’t got any money. I left my wallet at home.
3. There were no taxis and we had to walk home.
4. How many eggs have we got? — .None..Do you want me to buy
5. We bought a few apples, but none of them were very good.
6. I’ll try and answer any. questions you ask me.
7. I couldn’t answer any of the questions they asked me.
8. I tried to phone you, but there was no answer.
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