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помогите пожалуйста с английским языком

Светлана Филиппова Ученик (81), закрыт 4 года назад
In the dialogue you are, firstly, to fill the spaces with one of the words in the box. Mind that sometimes you need the plural, and some of the words are used more than once.

case, room, day, scenery, experience, weather, luggage, view, paper,

Mary and Liz are to go on holiday together. Mary has come to collect Liz in her car.

M: Hello, Liz, are you ready?

L:Yes, just about. All the ____(1)____ is here in the corridor. I hope I haven’t got too many ____(2)____ .

M:Don’t worry. There’s plenty of ____(3)____ in the car.

L:Oh, good. I’ve packed rather a lot of things. I haven’t had much
_____(4)_____ of travelling in the mountains, so I wasn’t sure what to
_____(5)_____ .

M:As long as you’ve got some warm sweaters for the evenings, and a good raincoat, you should be OK. The ___(6)_____ in the mountains is wonderful, but the ____(7)_____ can change very suddenly.

L:Well, we’ve got a lovely ____(8)_____ to start with.

M:You’re right there. And I’m sure you’ll like our _____(9)_____ at the hotel, because they have promised me the ones I had last year when I was with my brother. Did you pack the guidebook, by the way?

L:I’ve got it in my pocket. I packed some _____(10)______ too, so we can write letters.

M:Yes. It’d be nice to keep some sort of diary, too.

L:That’s a good idea. We might make an album afterwards, with words and photos. And I’m sure I’m going to have some great ____(11)_____ to write about. I’m sure you will, too. The ____(12)_____ are like nothing you’ve ever seen.

M:And the people are great. There’s always music or something in one of the villages every evening. We’ll buy some local ____(13)_____when we get there and find out what’s going on this week.

L:Well, I’m ready. M: OK, let’s go!
Лучший ответ
Нина Еремеева Просветленный (22206) 4 года назад
1 luggage2luggage3-?4experience5to bring6day7weather8view?day?9room10paper11experience12cases(?)
Нина ЕремееваПросветленный (22206) 4 года назад
мне слова не хватило :)
Остальные ответы
Nadeya Мудрец (13432) 4 года назад
1. luggage
2. cases
3. room (пустое пространство)
4. experience (опыт)
5. to bring
6. scenary
7. weather
8. day
9. rooms (комнаты)
10. paper (бумага)
11. experiences (приключения)
13. papers (газеты)
NadeyaМудрец (13432) 4 года назад
6. scenEry, sorry
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