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Светлана Филиппова Ученик (81), закрыт 4 года назад
5.Write about your dream holiday or the most memorable holiday you have ever had. You are to write up to 12 senteces.


Do the exercises:
Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1.I (have, just) ______ a nice pot of coffee. Would you like a cup?
2.I (see, not) ______ Steve this morning yet.

3.Carol and I are old friends. I (know) ______ her since I (be) ______ a freshman in high school.

4.Maria (have) ______ a lot of problems since she (come) ______ to this country.

5.I (go) ______ to Paris in 2003 and 2006.
6.A car came round the corner and I (jump) ______ out of the way.
7.Don’t throw the paper away because I (not to read) ______ it yet.

8. Is Jim going to eat lunch with us today? — No. He (eat) ______ (already).He (eat) ______ lunch an hour ago.

9.Since we (start) ______ doing this exercise, we (complete) ______ some sentences.

10. I (be) ______never to Italy.

Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (332927) 4 года назад
1.I have just had a nice pot of coffee. Would you like a cup?
2.I haven't seen Steve this morning yet.
3.Carol and I are old friends. I have known her since I was a freshman in high school.
4.Maria have had a lot of problems since she came to this country.
5.I went to Paris in 2003 and 2006.
6.A car came round the corner and I jumped out of the way.
7.Don’t throw the paper away because I have not read it yet.
8. Is Jim going to eat lunch with us today? — No. He has already eaten.He ate lunch an hour ago.
9.Since we started doing this exercise, we have completed some sentences.
10. I have never been to Italy.
Остальные ответы
Лёлик Мудрец (14862) 4 года назад
А зачем вам английский язык? Если чисто для заветного картона синего цвета, так зачем нам такие специалисты? Все. Все работы я всегда делал сам. Зато потом не нужно было судорожно листать учебник перед аудиторией
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