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помогите пожалуйста по англискому срочно надо плисс очень надо

Никита Юрьев Ученик (33), закрыт 4 года назад
Exercise 1.

Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronoun (e.g. himself, myself).

My brother likes to practice his English by talking to ______________________.
James wasn’t careful and he cut ______________________ with a knife.
My sister and I looked at ______________________ in the mirror.
The repair shop was closed, so I fixed the car ______________________.
Did you enjoy ___________________________ at the party last night?
Cats can get clean by licking ___________________________.
(A) Did the cleaners clean the house? (B) No, I did it ______________________!
Mr. Smith burned ______________________ while he was cooking.
He dried ______________________ after he took a shower and went downstairs.
Can you teach ______________________ to play the piano?

Exercise 2.

Match the words with the translation. Make up 5 sentences of your own using the words.

1. broken leg

2. burn

3. cut

4. scratch

5. bruise

6. to twist an ankle

7. ambulance

a. синяк

b. перелом ноги

c. скорая помощь

d. порез

e. царапина

f. ожог

g. вывихнуть лодыжку
Лучший ответ
Rosenberg Просветленный (46955) 4 года назад
himself, himself, ourselves, myself, yourself, themselves, myself, himself, himself, yourself

1. broken leg - b. перелом ноги
2. burn - f. ожог
3. cut - d. порез
4. scratch - e. царапина
5. bruise - a. синяк
6. to twist an ankle - g. вывихнуть лодыжку
7. ambulance - c. скорая помощь
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