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Помогите, пожалуйста, с тестами по английскому:

Лунатик Звездный Ученик (60), закрыт 4 года назад
1) If he has time, my boss ______ to the conference next week.
A. may goes
B. might goes
C. might not go
D. may go
2) The conductor ________ everyone's attention in order to start the symphony.
A. has to has
B. has to have
C have to has
D. have to have
3) The professor __________ correct the exams by next Monday.
A should can
B. can should
C. should be able to
D. can be able to
4) _____ you please close the window?
A. Would
B. May
C. Should
D. Must
5) Because he fell, the runner _______ finish the race.
A. couldn't be able to
B. cannot
C. weren't be able to
D. wasn't able to
6) When I was younger, I___________ run very fast.
A. could
B. must
C. was able
D. might
Лучший ответ
Сергей Тутубалин Просветленный (21586) 4 года назад
1) If he has time, my boss may go to the conference next week.
2) The conductor has to have everyone's attention in order to start the symphony.
3) The professor should be able to correct the exams be next Monday.
4) Would you please close the window?
5) Because he fell, the runner wasn't able to finish the race.
When I was younger, I could run very fast.
Сергей ТутубалинПросветленный (21586) 4 года назад
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