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Помогите пожалуйста открыть скобки, используя FUTURE

Ananasic Профи (745), закрыт 4 года назад
Open the brackets using Future forms1. I think I (buy) a new mobile phone for Tommy’s birthday.2. If you (phone) me tomorrow I (prepare) all the information for you.3. Where you (go) if nobody (want) to go to the cinema with you?4. She (start) her own business after graduation.5. This time tomorrow I (swim) in the Atlantic.6. be at home tonight?7. She (not listen) to me, you talk to her.8. The phone is ringing. Don’t worry, I (get) it.9. Why are you putting your trainers on? Where you (go)?10. We (talk) about it as soon as Mr. Jones (come)
Лучший ответ
Shero Shero Просветленный (33751) 4 года назад
1. I think I'll buy a new mobile phone for Tommy’s birthday.2. If you phone me tomorrow I'll prepare all the information for you.3. Where will you go if nobody wants to go to the cinema with you?4. She will start her own business after graduation.5. This time tomorrow I will be swimming in the Atlantic.6. Are you going to be at home tonight?7. She won't listen to me, you talk to her.8. The phone is ringing. Don’t worry, I'll get it.9. Why are you putting your trainers on? Where are you going?10. We'll talk about it as soon as Mr. Jones comes.
Остальные ответы
Alex Искусственный Интеллект (122426) 4 года назад
Неужели ума не хватает даже на то, чтобы перед каждым глаголом тупо поставить will?
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