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андрей молотов Ученик (224), на голосовании 4 года назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
OSA Ученик (186) 4 года назад
1. My brother is building a house in the country. Is he a builder? No, he just likes to do something with his hands. And then he isn't doing it alone. Two or three people are helping him.

2. What are you doing this Saturday? Are you free? Unfortunately, I am working this Saturday, though I usually do not work on this day. And you? What are you doing this weekend? Fortunately, I am not working, I am resting.

3. Are you serious or are you kidding? I am trying to tell you that you are behaving like a fool.

4. Exams come soon and we are working like maniacs. But usually you do not work so hard, as far as I know.

5. What are you looking for in this site? Our teacher said that there is (was) everything you need in the Internet. And I am writing my graduation project at present. I am going to use as much material as possible in it.

6. Is your English getting better or worse? I think that it is improving. And I am even
thinking of studying it with a native speaker. Yes, I see that you seriously think about your future career.
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