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Английский язык помогите пожалуйста все задания

Xaker 228 Ученик (215), на голосовании 4 года назад
EXERCISE 1. Write am/is are
She ………………………………beautiful.
He ………………………………clever.
They ………………………………Germans.
He ………………………………Spanish.
I ………………………………Polish.
You……………………………… Italian.
It ………………………………a dog.
We……………………………… happy.
You……………………………… sad.
The people ……………………………… tired.
The dog……………………………… scared.
The cat……………………………… fluffy.
He ………………………………tall.
She ………………………………thin.
Peter ………………………………thrilled.
Elizabeth ………………………………excited.
The Browns……………………………… elated.
Cathy ………………………………awesome.
George ………………………………handsome.
Lola ………………………………French.

EXERCISE 2. Write the correct form of a verb in the present tense
I ……………………………… books. (read)
I ……………………………… apples. (like)
He ……………………………… his room. (clean)
She ……………………………… a cake. (make)
You ……………………………… him. (love)
Peter ……………………………… (paint)
John ……………………………… his teeth. (brush)
They ……………………………… to school. (go)
He ……………………………… lectures. (attend)
We ……………………………… our dog. (wash)
EXERCISE 3. Form sentences in the present tense
walk a dog, brush her teeth, watch TV, do her homework, tidy her room, eat breakfast,
study English, make her bed, help her mother, feed her dog
Julie goes to school every day.

EXERCISE 4. Form the negative sentences in the present tense
eat sweets, go to restaurant, go swimming, play games, drink coke, watch sitcoms,
meet her friends, visit her grandparents, use the computer, play the violin

Julie doesn't go to hospital every day.
They don't go to hospital every day.

EXERCISE 5. Form the questions in the present tense

eat sweets, go to restaurant, go swimming, play games, drink coke, watch sitcoms,
meet her friends, visit her grandparents, use the computer, play the violin
Does Julie go to hospital every day?
Do they go to hospital every day?
Голосование за лучший ответ
Sun Sunshine Мастер (1911) 4 года назад
am - применить, где Я
is - где единственное число
are- множественное

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