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Тимофей Быков Ученик (165), закрыт 3 года назад
Make up dialogues and act them out. 1. Two students from different schools are talking about the way they are taught English.
Лучший ответ
Alexander Alenitsyn Высший разум (760110) 4 года назад
A. What is the way you are taught English in your school?
B. Our teacher Ms. Faraday tries to speak with us only English.
A. Do you like this method?
B. Not very much. It happens that we don't understand her.
A. And what do you do when it happens?
B. We shout and make noice! And she becomes very angry!
A. Oh, that's terrible!
B. And what about you?
A. Our teacher Mr. Lumb is a very clever person. He can repeat his words one or more times until we understand. And he never say bad words about the pupils.
B. So, you are happy with your teacher!
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