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Помогите пожалуйста по английскому!!

Гульзия Галинова Ученик (162), закрыт 4 года назад
Задать на каждое предложение 5 вопросов: общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный, вопрос к подлежащему.

1. People of the world try to save our planet. 2. A very tall man always come here on Monday. 3. Somebody steals apple from Meg`s garden. 4. Mrs. Spirit teacher English at the local school. 5. Member of the General Assembley talk to each other in many languages.
Лучший ответ
Shero Shero Просветленный (33752) 4 года назад
1. People of the world try to save our planet.
Do people of the world try to save our planet?
What do people of the world try to save?
Do people of the world try to save our planet or our country?
People of the world try to save our planet, don't they?
Who tries to save our planet?
2. A very tall man always comes here on Monday.
Does a very tall man always come here on Monday?
When does a very tall man always come here?
Does a very tall man always come here on Monday or on Sunday?
A very tall man always comes here on Monday, doesn't he?
Who comes here on Monday?
3. Somebody steals apples from Meg`s garden.
Does anybody steal apples from Meg`s garden?
What does anybody steal from Meg`s garden?
Does anybody steal apples from Meg`s or Nick's garden?
Somebody steals apples from Meg`s garden, don't they?
Who steals apples from Meg`s garden?
4. Mrs. Spirit teaches English at the local school.
Does Mrs. Spirit teach English at the local school?
What subject does Mrs. Spirit teach at the local school?
Does Mrs. Spirit teach English or French at the local school?
Mrs. Spirit teaches English at the local school, doesn't she?
Who teaches English at the local school?
5. Members of the General Assembley talk to each other in many languages.
Do members of the General Assembley talk to each other in many languages?
Why do members of the General Assembley talk to each other in many languages?
Do members of the General Assembley or of UN talk to each other in many languages?
Members of the General Assembley talk to each other in many languages, don't they?
Who talks to each other in many languages?
Остальные ответы
Онуфрий Окопник Профи (880) 4 года назад
1.Will people around the world try to save our planet?
2. A very tall man comes here on Mondays?
3. Someone stole an apple from Meg's garden?
4. Mrs Spirit is an English teacher at the local school?
5. Do members of the General Assembly talk to each other in many different languages?
T Z Профи (554) 4 года назад
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