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Оценка технического состояния тягового двигателя

Рома Машков Знаток (433), на голосовании 4 года назад
По каким параметрам оценивается техническое состояние тягового двигателя поступающего в ремонт?
Голосование за лучший ответ
DAN Мыслитель (5246) 4 года назад
interactive video workstation:

1. A way of reception of the kaleidoscopical effects observed by means of system of display, consisting that on an input of system of display give a signal from an exit of system of perception and processing of the information which direct on the display system, different that the spatial arrangement of system of perception and processing of the information concerning display system, as well as own arrangement of these systems separately and-or together, regulate with the operator and-or on set automated by the monitoring system and managements to the program with possibility of generating of kaleidoscopical effects as a result of interaction of system of perception and processing of the information and display system.

2. A way under item 1, different that between directed against each other the screen of system of display and an objective of system of perception and information processing objects transforming light place.

3. A way under the item 1 or 2, different that on the screen of system of display project a number of images by means of the projective device.

4. A way to any of subitem 1 - 3, different that as display system the video monitor or the television device use, and as system of perception and information processing - a videocamera.

5. A way on any of subitem 1 - 4, different that keep gained kaleidoscopical effect on a data carrier by means of system of the storing entered in addition which input сonnect to an exit of system of display or to an exit of system of perception and information processing.

6. A way under item 5, different that as storing system use the videorecorder, and as a data carrier - a videocassette
Рома МашковЗнаток (433) 4 года назад
Что это?
DAN Мыслитель (5246) намёк
Yumis Гуру (4124) 4 года назад
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Высокий Оракул (70073) 4 года назад
Состояние щёткодержателей, коллектора, по износу опорных подшипников.
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