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Pronin Danils Ученик (110), закрыт 4 года назад
Фразовые глаголы с get – упражнения с ответами.
Упражнение 1. Нужно выбрать правильный вариант.

I hate getting on/off/up early in the winter when it’s still dark.
Children mustn’t get in / on / out strangers’ cars.
It took her a long time to get over / by / in the illness.
The teacher asked them to get on / into / out of the work quietly.
I tried ringing but I could not get over / into / through to her office.
The bad news really got him up / down / off.
Will we get on / through / together for a drink at the weekend?
I didn’t mean to get you on / into / onto trouble.
It’s two o’clock: I must get around / on / back to the office.
Helen got off / on / in her bike and rode off.
I’m not sure I got on / of / across that very well. I don’t think they really understood.
Лучший ответ
Ляпис Кривошипин Профи (560) 4 года назад
I hate getting up early in the winter when it’s still dark.
Я ненавижу вставать рано зимой, когда ещё темно.
Children mustn’t get in strangers’ cars.
Дети не должны садиться в автомашины незнакомцев.
Pronin DanilsУченик (110) 4 года назад
И за это спасибо, но можете до конца?
Остальные ответы
The stuff of legends Профи (598) 4 года назад
Helen got off her bike and rode off. What a mad bitch.
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