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Дарья Мирнова Ученик (99), закрыт 4 года назад
Лучший ответ
Shero Shero Просветленный (33751) 4 года назад
1. Are there any boys at the studium?
2. Is there anybody in the kitchen?
3. Can you see anything in the box?
4. Can you see any beautiful flowers in the vase?
5. Do you know anything about Russian holidays?
6. Was there anything in the box?
7. Is there any coffee in the cup?
8. Did you see anybody in the field?
Остальные ответы
Софья Горшенкова Ученик (147) 4 года назад
1. Are there some boys at the studium?
2. Is there somebody in the kichen?
3. Can you see something in the box?
4. Can you see some beautiful flowers in the vase?
5. Do you know something about Russian holidays?
6. Was there something in the box?
7. Is there some coffee in the cup?
8. Do you saw somebody in the field?
Alexander AlenitsynВысший разум (760099) 4 года назад
В вопросах всегда any, а не some
Софья Горшенкова Ученик (147) Спасибо большое что сказали! Это моя частая ошибка.
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