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Питер Руд Ученик (155), закрыт 4 года назад
Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verbs in brackets, as in the example. 1.Fiona....(like)travelling by plane, but now she does.
2.My cousin Hugo....(live) in Salzburg, but now he lives in Vienna.
3. ..(you/play) the piano when you were a child?
4.Karen....(read) a lot, but now she doesn't have time.
5.Harry....(have) a dog, but now he has a cat.
Лучший ответ
Nadeya Мудрец (13432) 4 года назад
1.Fiona DIDN'T USE TO LIKE....(like)travelling by plane, but now she does.
2.My cousin Hugo USED TO LIVE....(live) in Salzburg, but now he lives in Vienna.
3.DID YOU USE TO PLAY ..(you/play) the piano when you were a child?
4.Karen.USED TO READ...(read) a lot, but now she doesn't have time.
5.Harry. USED TO HAVE...(have) a dog, but now he has a cat.
Остальные ответы
Alex Woland Гуру (3833) 4 года назад


Did you play


Has had
Питер РудУченик (155) 4 года назад
Там с used to надо
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