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tuzik Знаток (473), закрыт 4 года назад
1. It is a bad joke. Why you (to laugh)? 2. Anna (to be) a good teacher? 3. Mark never (to be) in Moscow. 4. I (not to do) this task the next week. 5. What you (to do) the last week? 6. When Sonya (to come) home, her parents (to sleep). 7. I (to gather) many mushrooms. 8. When Masha usually (to come) home from courses? 9. She (not to read) her favorite book now. 10. Why you (to eat) all apples?
Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (332960) 4 года назад
1) It's a bad joke. Why are you laughing?
2) Is Anna a good teacher?
3) Mark has never been to Moscow.
4) I won't do this task the next week.
5) What did you do last week?
6) When Sonya came home, her parents were sleeping.
7) I've gathered many mushrooms.
8) When does Masha usually come home from courses?
9) She isn't reading her favourite book now.
10) Why have you eaten all apples?
Остальные ответы
величаю имя Б-га Неба и Земли Искусственный Интеллект (214244) 4 года назад
That's a bad joke. Why are you laughing ?
Will Anna be a good teacher?
Mark has never been to Moscow.
I will not complete this task by next week.
What did you do last week?
When Sonya returned home, her parents were sleeping

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