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ееер еапр Ученик (95), закрыт 4 года назад
1.Tom (like) playing football
2.Jane(swim)in the swimming pool now
3. Paul and I (go) to the horse club since we were 7
4. Look! We (watch) tigers in the Zoo
5. They (see) a big fish
6. For a month we (write) the book
7. I (listen) to music every evening
8. I (play) already first football match
9. My grandparents (prepare) a cake at the moment
10.My dad (help) with my homework this week
Лучший ответ
Alexander Alenitsyn Высший разум (760095) 4 года назад
1.Tom likes playing football
2.Jane is swimming in the swimming pool now
3. Paul and I were going to the horse club since we were 7.
4. Look! We will watch tigers in the Zoo.
5. They saw a big fish.
6. For a month we have been writing the book.
7. I listen to music every evening.
8. I have played already first football match
9. My grandparents are preparing a cake at the moment.
10. My dad helped with my homework this week
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