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-Мята- Профи (551), закрыт 4 года назад
Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 to a rich family. Her parents expected her to marry and have a family. But Florence did not want
a meaningless life. She wanted to help the sick ' and the poor. Eventually, she persuaded her father to let her become a nurse.

In 1854, England, France and Turkey went to war against Russia (the Crimean War). Reports began to reach England of the terrible conditions soldiers were suffering in the army hospitals Florence volunteered to go and help. When she arrived, she found thousands of ill and wounded soldicrs living in filthy conditions.

The hospitals were overcrowded and unventilated. Soldiers lay without proper food, bedding and clothing. There was a lack of basic medical supplies like bandages and medicine. Rats and sewage filled the hospital corridors. Soldiers were dying in the thousands, not from their wounds but from the unsanitary conditions. Florence cleaned up the hospital, made sure the men were fed properly, and saw that supplies were available. She worked almost around the clock looking after the soldiers.

Florence soon became known as `the Lady witfr the Lamp' for her dedication to caring for her patients. News of her hard work in Crimea filtered back to London. She became a celebrity. By the time she arrived back in London, she was the most famous person in Britain after Queen Victoria.

After the war, Florence continued to work to improve conditions in hospitals. She even established a school for nursing and wrote an influencial hook on the profession. She also became an important consultant on health issues. In fact, it was her work after the war that changed medical care forever. In her later years, Florence suffered from ill health. she died in 1910, at the age of ninety.
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Руслан Ученик (15) 4 года назад
Вбей этот текст в Гугл переводчик
-Мята-Профи (551) 4 года назад
Ага, спасибо, сверхразум :)
А ты сам не догадывался?
Эльвира Мыслитель (6407) 4 года назад
Гугл переводчик в помощь. За пару секунд переведёт.
-Мята-Профи (551) 4 года назад
Мне не перевод нужен
А пересказ текста. Читай задание внимательнее (:
Захар Резяпов Ученик (122) 4 года назад
Мята привет вот перевод:

Флоренс Найтингейл родилась в 1820 году в богатой семье. Ее родители ожидали, что она выйдет замуж и захочет семью. Но Флоренция не хотела

бессмысленной жизни. Она хотела помочь больным и бедным. В конце концов, она убедила отца позволить ей стать медсестрой.

В 1854 году Англия, Франция и Турция вступили в войну против России (Крымская война). Сообщения начали достигать Англии ужасных условиях солдаты страдали в армейских госпиталях Флоренции вызвался пойти и помочь. Когда она прибудет
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (150851) 4 года назад
Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 into a rich family. She became a nurse. Florence volunteered to the Crimean war and helped. When she arrived, she found thousands of soldiers who were dying not from their wounds but from the unsanitary conditions. Florence cleaned up the hospital and made sure the men were fed properly. Florence soon became known as `the Lady with the Lamp'. She looked after the soldiers.News of her hard work in Crimea filtered back to London. She became a celebrity. She became the most famous person in Britain after Queen Victoria.After the war Florence continued to improve conditions in hospitals. She established a school for nursing .She wrote a book on the profession. Her work changed medical care forever. She died in 1910.
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