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Помогите с английским плез... Present perfect tense

Александр Гудков Ученик (52), на голосовании 4 года назад
Помогите пж... Present perfect tense.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Светлана Гуру (4884) 4 года назад
Очень много для одного вопроса
Шерлок Профи (661) 4 года назад
1) I have seen this film once
2) Carol has painted her bedroom
3) Peter has broken his leg
4) She hasn't called her mother
5) I haven't had bread for days
6) They have been to Italy twice
7) Jim has sold his car
8) Tina has washed her hair
9) Have you seen Jim today?
10) Liam has lost his keys
11) Lucy hasn't missed the bus
12) We haven't played golf today

1) Have you ever been to Africa?
2) Have you ever seen a French movie?
3) Has she ever weared a hat?
4) Have you ever losed your passport?
5) Have you ever missed a plane?
6) Have they ever eaten spaguetti?
7) Have you ever written a book?
8) Has he ever bought a house?

2) My aunt has just phoned
3) I have just finished my homework
4) Rob and I have just had an argument
5) They have just cleaned their car
6) Carla has just done the washing up
7) He has just learnt a new word
8) I have just had a sandwich
9) My dog has just barked

Sam: I've been to Portugal
Lisa's mum: Lisa has gone to France
Mum: He's gone to the shops
Linda: I've heard you've been to New York

1) Has
2) Never
3) Has
4) has written
5) Have
6) Gone
7) Been
8) Ever
9) Never
10) Has
11) They
12) Has
13) Won
14) Never
15) Been
16) Have
17) Gone
Александр ГудковУченик (52) 4 года назад
Боже, как я тебе благодарен, спасибо тебе огромное чел....
он отсюда ответы спер
Ирина Диденко Ученик (214) 4 года назад
1) I have seen this film once
2) Carol has painted her bedroom
3) Peter has broken his leg
4) She hasn't called her mother
5) I haven't had bread for days
6) They have been to Italy twice
7) Jim has sold his car
8) Tina has washed her hair
9) Have you seen Jim today?
10) Liam has lost his keys
11) Lucy hasn't missed the bus
12) We haven't played golf today

1) Have you ever been to Africa?
2) Have you ever seen a French movie?
3) Has she ever weared a hat?
4) Have you ever losed your passport?
5) Have you ever missed a plane?
6) Have they ever eaten spaguetti?
7) Have you ever written a book?
8) Has he ever bought a house?

2) My aunt has just phoned
3) I have just finished my homework
4) Rob and I have just had an argument
5) They have just cleaned their car
6) Carla has just done the washing up
7) He has just learnt a new word
8) I have just had a sandwich
9) My dog has just barked

Sam: I've been to Portugal
Lisa's mum: Lisa has gone to France
Mum: He's gone to the shops
Linda: I've heard you've been to New York

1) Has
2) Never
3) Has
4) has written
5) Have
6) Gone
7) Been
8) Ever
9) Never
10) Has
11) They
12) Has
13) Won
14) Never
15) Been
16) Have
17) Gone
Пользователь удаленЗнаток (250) 4 года назад
и тебе не лень такое писать ????
some one Ученик (148) 4 года назад
английский состоит всего лишь из словаря и 2 формул связаных с временами, яндекс переводчик даст примеры употребления слов
Станислав Сафонов Ученик (186) 4 года назад
1) I have seen this film once
2) Carol has painted her bedroom
3) Peter has broken his leg
4) She hasn't called her mother
5) I haven't had bread for days
6) They have been to Italy twice
7) Jim has sold his car
8) Tina has washed her hair
9) Have you seen Jim today?
10) Liam has lost his keys
11) Lucy hasn't missed the bus
12) We haven't played golf today

1) Have you ever been to Africa?
2) Have you ever seen a French movie?
3) Has she ever weared a hat?
4) Have you ever losed your passport?
5) Have you ever missed a plane?
6) Have they ever eaten spaguetti?
7) Have you ever written a book?
8) Has he ever bought a house?

2) My aunt has just phoned
3) I have just finished my homework
4) Rob and I have just had an argument
5) They have just cleaned their car
6) Carla has just done the washing up
7) He has just learnt a new word
8) I have just had a sandwich
9) My dog has just barked

Sam: I've been to Portugal
Lisa's mum: Lisa has gone to France
Mum: He's gone to the shops
Linda: I've heard you've been to New York

1) Has
2) Never
3) Has
4) has written
5) Have
6) Gone
7) Been
8) Ever
9) Never
10) Has
11) They
12) Has
13) Won
14) Never
15) Been
16) Have
17) Gone
Tim pro777 Знаток (401) 1 год назад
1) I have seen this film once
2) Carol has painted her bedroom
3) Peter has broken his leg
4) She hasn't called her mother
5) I haven't had bread for days
6) They have been to Italy twice
7) Jim has sold his car
8) Tina has washed her hair
9) Have you seen Jim today?
10) Liam has lost his keys
11) Lucy hasn't missed the bus
12) We haven't played golf today

1) Have you ever been to Africa?
2) Have you ever seen a French movie?
3) Has she ever weared a hat?
4) Have you ever losed your passport?
5) Have you ever missed a plane?
6) Have they ever eaten spaguetti?
7) Have you ever written a book?
8) Has he ever bought a house?

2) My aunt has just phoned
3) I have just finished my homework
4) Rob and I have just had an argument
5) They have just cleaned their car
6) Carla has just done the washing up
7) He has just learnt a new word
8) I have just had a sandwich
9) My dog has just barked

Sam: I've been to Portugal
Lisa's mum: Lisa has gone to France
Mum: He's gone to the shops
Linda: I've heard you've been to New York

1) Has
2) Never
3) Has
4) has written
5) Have
6) Gone
7) Been
8) Ever
9) Never
10) Has
11) They
12) Has
13) Won
14) Never
15) Been
16) Have
17) Gone

Ирина Диденко, 2 года назад
1) I have seen this film once
2) Carol has painted her bedroom
3) Peter has broken his leg
4) She hasn't called her mother
5) I haven't had bread for days
6) They have been to Italy twice
7) Jim has sold his car
8) Tina has washed her hair
9) Have you seen Jim today?
10) Liam has lost his keys
11) Lucy hasn't missed the bus
12) We haven't played golf today

1) Have you ever been to Africa?
2) Have you ever seen a French movie?
3) Has she ever weared a hat?
4) Have you ever losed your passport?
5) Have you ever missed a plane?
6) Have they ever eaten spaguetti?
7) Have you ever written a book?
8) Has he ever bought a house?

2) My aunt has just phoned
3) I have just finished my homework
4) Rob and I have just had an argument
5) They have just cleaned their car
6) Carla has just done the washing up
7) He has just learnt a new word
8) I have just had a sandwich
9) My dog has just barked

Sam: I've been to Portugal
Lisa's mum: Lisa has gone to France
Mum: He's gone to the shops
Linda: I've heard you've been to New York

1) Has
2) Never
3) Has
4) has written
5) Have
6) Gone
7) Been
8) Ever
9) Never
10) Has
11) They
12) Has
13) Won
14) Never
15) Been
16) Have
17) Gone
английский состоит всего лишь из словаря и 2 формул связаных с временами, яндекс переводчик даст примеры употребления слов
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