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Помгоите решить задание по англискому языку

Виталий Иванович Ученик (64), закрыт 3 года назад
Choose the correct word.
1. Are there (some/any) biscuits in the box?
2. There is (any/some ) salt on the table.
3. Is there (any/many) water in the bottle?
4. We have got (a little/a few) milk in the fridge.
5. There are (much/many) apples in the vase.
6. There isn’t (some/any) coffee for breakfast.
7. Lena usually has (any/some) cheese for tea.
8. He doesn’t drink (much/many )coffee.
9. How (much/many) oranges are left?
10. I have (a little/a few) books in my bag.
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