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Английский 5 класс помогите пожалуйста.

Нютка Ученик (182), на голосовании 3 года назад
Впиши предложения соответствующие, слова из рамки во множественном числе.
wolf territory watch shelf reindeer, puppy-слова из рамки
1. Russin with a rich countryI
2. I've got the fishbowl
3. Му.... don't show the right time. They all are slow. in forests.
5. My granny has got ten white ...
6. Little kittens and....are very cute.
7. There were four....on the walls of the room.
8. You can see five....In the picture. I know they live in the
Голосование за лучший ответ
Arina Kott Ученик (132) 3 года назад
Скинь слова из рамки)
НюткаУченик (182) 3 года назад
wolf territory watch shelf reindeer, puppy вот они
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (150657) 3 года назад
1. RussIA with large..territory..iS a rich countryI
2. I've got the fishbowl
3. Му... watch. don't show the right time. They all are slow. in forests.
5. My granny has got ten white ..puppies.
6. Little kittens and...puppies.are very cute.
7. There were four.shelves...on the walls of the room.
8. You can see five...reindeer.In the picture. I know they live in the
НюткаУченик (182) 3 года назад
спс большое
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