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Английский. Определите грамматическое время и залог глаголов-сказуемых:

Kirill Dragon Ученик (115), закрыт 3 года назад
1. These managers are discussing the offer now.
2. These problems will have been discussed before the conference begins.
3. All cables have been sent today.
4. This book is much spoken about.
5. This company sold telephone equipment two years ago.
Лучший ответ
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (150233) 3 года назад
1. These managers are discussing the offer now.-are discussing=Present Continuous Active
2. These problems will have been discussed before the conference begins.-will have been discussed=Future Perfect Passive,begins=Present Simple Active
3. All cables have been sent today.-have been sent=Present Perfect Passive
4. This book is much spoken about.-is spoken about=Present Simple Passive
5. This company sold telephone equipment two years ago.-sold=Past Simple Active
Остальные ответы
Анонимный Петербуржец Знаток (265) 3 года назад
These managers are discussing the offer now.-are discussing=Present Continuous Active
These problems will have been discussed before the conference begins.-will have been discussed=Future Perfect Passive,begins=Present Simple Active
All cables have been sent today.-have been sent=Present Perfect Passive
This book is much spoken about.-is spoken about=Present Simple Passive
This company sold telephone equipment two years ago.-sold=Past Simple Active
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